Join us for Hair Color Formulation SIMPLIFIED
LIVE Virtual Workshop
November 9th, 14th and 16th at 7:30PM EST
Are you tired of inconsistent hair color results?
Are you ready to become a Fierce Formulator? Ready to learn the secrets of successful hair color formulation?

Day 1:
The 5 Question Road Map that will allow you to formulate for ANYONE that sits in your chair!

Day 2:
Are you struggling to create a 'cool' Level 7 - No Matter what you do you just keep pulling more and more warmth and cannot get your client that beautiful, cool brunette no matter how hard you try using permanent color?

Day 3:
We will take everything we've learned in Days 1 and 2 and put them INTO ACTION by taking some examples of 'Before' and 'Afters' and talking through the Formulation Process!

What if I told you that by the end of November, you could have FULL understanding on How to Formulate Hair Color?
I’ve found there are two types of Hairstylists…
There is the “stressing and guessing stylist” and then there is the “fierce formulator”!
I don’t see very many fierce formulators, but that is about to change!
Aren’t you tired of guessing and stressing?
Aren’t you tired of worrying about the outcome?
There is a little known, simple but powerful method that is being used by stylists like you to ace their hair color formulation - Every. Single. Time!

It's the SAME Formulation Method I've used in my 36 years behind the chair that made me a…
6-Figure Colorist and Successful Salon Owner
My name is Elaine Travis and I’ve helped thousands of stylists all over the world as a brand-free hair color educator, understand hair color formulation and stop them from making the mistakes most of us were taught in school that keep us from progressing behind the chair.
I’ve been a hairstylist specializing in hair color for 36 years and I can confidently know EXACTLY how the hair is going to turn out, before I even put the color on my client’s hair.
My passion is paying it forward and sharing a very little known technique to help you do the same!
You’ll be able to get simple, predictable results- every single time, with this method.
These secrets could potentially change the way you do hair forever, with just a few simple tricks.
Owning your understanding of hair color in a different way takes just a slight shift in your approach!
You don’t have to make big, scary changes for big change to happen, sometimes it is the slightest shift (like what I am going to teach you) that makes the biggest impact.
This is all possible because a kind stranger helped me at a hair show at 19 years old and what she taught me changed my entire career..FOREVER.
This is the exact method I am going to share with you and that is being used by thousands of successful colorists to successfully predict their results, every.single.time.
Don’t just keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!
If you’re feeling like you constantly are arriving at a ‘brassy’ result…
Or better yet, you think that every single one of your clients “pulls warm...”
Do not waste another MINUTE stressing and guessing - this is costing you a lot of TIME, tons of money, and costing you your confidence and ability to grow in your career!

Every day you don’t know how to confidently formulate, is a day you are losing clients.
If you are constantly, struggling, worrying, wondering - “how is this going to turn out?”
If you’re sweating looking at the timer - thinking “is this going to be orange and brassy!”
With my proven road map, you will understand a new way to formulate for predictable results, you will have the framework of questions to ask your self before working on a client to give you the right game plan, and you will have several new tools in your tool belt for more effective application and more!
This has worked so well for myself and so many other stylists - some, that were even about to get out of the industry and give up because they just didn’t understand are now highly successful colorists, who have gone on to win “Best Colorist” in their town!
See what fellow stylists have to say...

Take advantage of this 3 - Day Workshop - Hair Color Formulation Simplified. Click the button below and you’ll be taken to a secure registration page.
This 3-Day Workshop is LIVE PLUS, for the first time EVER, it includes 3 Color Coaching Sessions after the workshop where you can ask questions about the workshop.
If you don’t take advantage of this opportunity today, you may be finding yourself in the same place next month… and the month after that and probably the month after that - you may never fully understand hair color formulation.
And I want you to be a the Fierce Formulator I know you can be!
Hope to see you at Hair Color Formulation Simplified!
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